Geneva College - Parents FYI Newsletter - September 17, 2020

Parents FYI combines important information from Geneva College to parents of Geneva students into one email communication. It will continue to be sent to you regularly. If you have feedback or questions regarding Parents FYI, please contact
Need 2 Know!

“Cases” and “Quarantine” at Geneva
Historically, quarantining becomes a necessary “non-pharmaceutical” response to highly contagious diseases for which no effective medicines are available to treat the disease. Our COVID-19 pandemic warrants the use of quarantines to prevent outbreaks—rapid escalation of contagion that would threaten our ability to conduct face-to-face education in the college community.

So what does that mean to us? And what about the numbers of cases we have at Geneva? Dr. Calvin L. Troup, our President, explains this and more in his Update video to the community shared on September 11, 2020.


Flu Shots

During this time of a global pandemic, it’s more important than ever to mitigate flu outbreaks whenever possible. For that reason, Geneva is offering more on-campus Flu Clinic sessions than ever before. It couldn’t be more convenient for students to get their flu shot on campus. Encourage your student to get a flu shot this season. Check out the details!

Chapel at Geneva
Chapel is underway every Wednesdays at 10:10 a.m. in multiple small groups across campus. The new delivery via Facebook Livestreaming of this integral part of the Geneva College experience enables the community to focus on God and His word together – just it’s a little different than it’s been in the past.

Computers to Borrow
Mobile phones are great, but they don’t do the job of a computer when it comes to getting schoolwork done. If your student doesn't have a computer, he or she can check into the options of using Geneva Chromebooks or computers.


Tennis Court Resurfacing

The Jannuzi Tennis Courts will be resurfaced beginning this today, Thursday, September 17. The work will be completed in about a week.

This is great news for our tennis team and for our community, and we’re thankful for the improvement. Please know that after the resurfacing the courts will be used for tennis only, which the exception of any activities organized by Student Development.

Daily Reminder to Students about Health Screening
Every morning, Geneva sends your student a text reminder to complete a health screening form. The text message includes a direct link to the online screening form. Students complete this form every day before leaving their residence halls or traveling to campus. This important step helps keep our campus community safe.
Calendar of Events
SEP 17 John Fea-GVALS, John White Chapel
SEP 17 Rec Night on the Rugby Field
SEP 18 John Fea-GVALS, John White Chapel
SEP 18 Luau, McKee Lawn
SEP 19 Bike Lisbon Trip at the Cave
SEP 19 3 vs 3 Basketball Tournament on Apts. Parking Lot
SEP 21 Trivia Night at Old Main Tent
SEP 22 Craft Night at Old Main Tent
SEP 23 Open Table Talk at Old Main Tent
SEP 24 Rec Night on the Rugby Field
SEP 25-26 Covey Cup
SEP 28 Trivia Night at Old Main Tent
SEP 30 Voter Registration Outside Student Center
OCT 7-10 Virtual Homecoming
NOV 21 December Graduation Reception
NOV 25 Last Day of Fall 2020 Classes
NOV 30 Begin Finals (Remote)
DEC 4 End Finals (Remote)

NOTICE: Dates are subject to change

Staying Social
Social Media Spotlight
Registering to Vote in November

Register to vote or check to make sure your registration is correct and up to date. The deadline to register in Pennsylvania is Oct 19.
Things to Do
Luau on the Lawn

Student Development offers music, food, campfires, and a Luau with a chill environment for students who want to have some Hawaiian fun on September 18 from 7-9 p.m. on the McKee Hall Lawn.
Shining a Spotlight
Passionate and Practical Service
Meet Makayla Mullins, a new and welcoming face in Geneva’s Student Success Center. Here Makayla introduces herself and shares about her work, qualifications and background.
And the Student Success Center where Makayla works? Here’s some information about it and how it might be able to help your student.
New Offerings from Geneva Counseling Services
Geneva Counseling Services is as busy as ever serving students. They're offering five counseling groups with students in mind: Relationship 101, S.M.A.R.T. (Stress Relief and Relaxation Techniques), Grief, S.0.A.R., and Freedom groups.
Counseling Services offers free QPR training to students on October 5. QPR is a form of suicide prevention that equips individuals to help others who are in crisis.
From Around Campus

Student Choice Refunds

Your student can sign up for Student Choice Refunds (SCR) for direct deposit of any refunds they may receive from Geneva into a bank account via ACH transaction.

Covey Cup is Back!

You know Covey Cup – the competition between the residence halls (commuters also have a team) for the coveted Covey Cup? The event is on the calendar...

Constitution Day Speaker Comes to Campus

Dr. John Fea is a Distinguished Professor of American History at Messiah University. A recognized expert on the historical influence of evangelicalism in American culture and an award-winning author, he will speak as a part of GVALS (Geneva Visiting Artist and Lecture Series) today (Thursday) and tomorrow (Friday) of this week.

Battleship & Badminton

On Recreation Night, students can hang out with friends and play battleship and badminton on Thursday, September 17 at 7 p.m. on the Rugby Field.

Basketball Time!

The campus is hosting a 3 v. 3 Basketball Tournament for students on this Saturday, September 19 at 10 a.m., at the Young & Arms Apartments. Teams need to register in advance.

E-Gamers, Virtually Unite!

Geneva College Intramurals is hosting E-Game competition, a competition of video game players. E-Gaming Leagues are forming now and students will be registering by Friday.

Welcome to & Back to Geneva!

A Message from Dr. Millie Johnson
We do not know what the future holds, but we know that it is He that holds the future...
Student Development Resources

The Center for Calling and Career | 724-847-6572

The Center for Student Success | 724-847-5566

The Center for Student Engagement | 724-847-6644

Residence and Commuter Life | 724-847-6641

Counseling Services | 724-847-4081

Health Services | 724-847-6666

Dean’s Office | 724-847-6641

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