Geneva College - Parents FYI Newsletter - August 20, 2021
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Parents FYI combines important information from Geneva College to parents of Geneva students into one email communication. It will continue to be sent to you regularly. If you have feedback or questions regarding Parents FYI, please contact
New This Issue:
Message for Students from President Troup
Bringing Your Student to Campus
Welcome Week / Fall Activities Fair
Student Internships
President Troup Welcomes Students Back to Campus
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Bringing Your Student to Campus
Here's what you need to know if you are helping your student move-in.

We are currently not requiring that parents, family, or other guests be vaccinated or show a negative test upon coming to campus. However, we are asking that all guests wear a mask while assisting their student move into the residence hall. If any family member or guest is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms we ask that they do not come to campus and remain at home. Masks will also be required for entry into the dining hall for lunch and must remain on until guests are seated with their meals.

Guests are welcome to wear masks on campus in any other space. If a mask is needed at any point a staff member can assist you in acquiring one.

Students have received information about move-in times. Our on-campus protocols for students will apply and have been updated; this information is in Student FAQs on the Geneva website where you can find out more about:
  • Required COVID-19 Testing – Health Screenings
  • Exposure & Quarantine Protocols
  • What Students Should Bring to Campus
Read It Now!
New Student Move In Info
Returning Student Move In Info
Welcome Week is August 25-28 on Campus
Welcome Week is a time for new students of the Geneva community to learn about college life, meet new friends, faculty, and staff, and start off on a great first step. It includes ice cream, adventures and lots of social time, too.
Welcome Week Schedule
Cokes & Connections is Coming
Students can get connected at Geneva by attending our fall activities fair, Cokes & Connections on September 10! There they will find out about on-campus clubs and organizations, churches and local nonprofits, and how to get involved at Geneva and in the community. The event features information and signups for many student activities, along with free gifts, food and a chance to meet a lot of great people.
More Student Events
Dates to Know
Fall semester begins
Academic Convocation
Freshmen Required
Remembering 9/11 GVALS
Thru 9/18
Homecoming & Family Weekend
NOTICE: Dates and times are subject to change
Annual Geneva College Insurance Waiver Process
If your student has NOT completed the insurance waiver form to remove the Geneva College insurance charge from your student's account, please complete and submit the form now.
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Make Meal Plan Changes Now
If your student would like to change meal plans, it can be done online through The deadline is Friday, September 23.
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Student Parking Permits Required
Per the Student Handbook, students bringng a car to campus must purchase a parking permit.
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Does Your Residential Student Need Renter's Insurance?
Geneva College is not responsible for insuring or protecting personal property. It is recommended that students pursue this matter with an insurance broker or seek coverage through the insurance program of a parent or guardian.
The Value of On-Campus Internships
Geneva College has many on-campus internships for students that serve dual purpose: provide hands-on, practical training for careers and a source of income. This message to students discusses the value of internships from one former student intern who is now an employee.
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