Geneva College - PArents FYI Newsletter - April 8, 2020

The purpose of Parents FYI 是将新濠天地app新濠天地app给新濠天地app学生家长的重要信息整合到一封邮件中. We hope it is valuable, 特别是在新濠天地app被迫提供在线教育和通过电子技术交流的时候. 它将在2020年春季学期的剩余时间内每周三发送给您. If you have feedback or questions regarding Parents FYI, please contact
Need 2 Know!

Important Reminders
May Term is Coming!
在线课程将按计划进行,并将在4月15日之前确定课程安排. Email CrossRoads for more information.

Fall Registration:
Check Out the Schedule
Rock Web Registration
Note from the Registrar

Did You Know... ?
Chapel is online... you are invited to join us at 10:10 a.m. 每周一,三,五为新濠天地app新濠天地app教堂 Each Chapel is also available on-demand.

Missed Last Week's Parent's FYI?
Read it HERE!
Calendar of Events
APR 8 Easter Break begins at 5 p.m.; follow Monday schedule
APR 10 10:10 a.m. | Virtual Chapel, Testimonies
APR 14 Classes resume at 8 a.m.; no evening classes
APR 15 Withdrawal deadline for one course

NOTICE: Dates are subject to change

Shining a Spotlight
What sets Geneva apart from many other institutions, 新濠天地app对主耶稣基督和他的美善有不可动摇的信心吗. 在这独特的历史时刻,新濠天地app比以往任何时候都更渴望你们的祈祷.
Geneva Cares for Your Student's Health!
新濠天地app医师助理和卫生服务主任贝丝·卡尔森, MPAS, PA-C, 是在新濠天地app不在一起的时候照顾新濠天地app社区吗. 下面是贝丝对新濠天地app新濠天地app卫生服务的介绍.
The PA is Ready for Students – Remotely!
新濠天地app新濠天地app卫生服务中心通过Zoom远程医疗为学生看病! 在预定的远程医疗访问期间,患者必须身在宾夕法尼亚州. To schedule an appointment email
Coronavirus Questions?
Counseling Services are On the Grid
In a COVID-19 world, when our community is not together, communication isn’t face to face, and your student is having a problem, feeling anxious or needs to talk, what should he or she do?
感谢新濠天地app的咨询服务,帮助和提示只需点击一下. Explore the options available to you.
Helping Students Break Free from All-or-Nothing Mindsets
像你们这样的Z世代学生是否陷入了要么全有要么全无的心态? Life is either “awesome” or “terrible.” They think they are “successful” or “worthless.这篇文章提供了父母和监护人可以采取的四个步骤,帮助他们的孩子在家里摆脱破坏性思维.
How to Parent Your New Roommate
你当然爱你的孩子,你很高兴他们平安无事, 但他们的入侵不仅破坏了你的开放式客房, sunroom, or basement ambiance, but you now have another mouth to feed, 一个年轻的成年人住在你家里,正在哀悼他们的损失和他们对春季学期的期望的快速变化. So, how do you cope?
From Around Campus
Remote Participation in FCA
家长-请与参与的学生分享. 以下是周二晚间基督徒运动员团契(FCA)的链接. We will be running FCA at 8:30 p.m. 周五晚上,时间表和链接如下:
  • Tuesday, April 7, we will hear from a speaker.
  • 4月14日,星期二,新濠天地app将一起参加“社区小组”,学习神的话语.
  • 4月21日星期二,新濠天地app将举行庆祝之夜,并听取证词.
  • 4月28日星期二,新濠天地app将以活动之夜结束这个月
For King & Country is Rescheduled!
新濠天地app在匹兹堡举办的当代基督教艺术家为金举办的音乐会 & Country has been rescheduled... and discounted tickets are still available. The new date is Tuesday, June 9, 2020!
Van Zanic - Athletic Director
“新濠天地app为所有春季学生运动员感到心碎, especially our seniors, when the season was taken away so abruptly. 新濠天地app只是想让你们每个人都知道,在这段不确定的时间里,新濠天地app在想着你们,并为你们祈祷. 新濠天地app将在心中为2020届的高三学生保留一个特殊的位置. You will always be a member of the GT family." Prov. 3:5-6
Half-full or Half-empty?
By Melinda Stephens, PhD, Provost & Chemistry Professor
“这是2011年新濠天地app化学俱乐部t恤上的图片. It's one of my favorites. 它提醒我,同样的情况可以用不同的角度来看待,这取决于一个人的角度. 现在,在国家应对COVID-19的时候,我需要被提醒这一点. 新濠天地app可能会因为缺乏控制而感到焦虑和沮丧,这些天“呆在家里”的命令在很多方面扰乱了新濠天地app的计划. As Christians, we can be assured that God is in control, and he will be with us through the weeks ahead." 愿盼望的神,因你倚靠他,使你满心喜乐平安 - Romans 15:13
Love and Blessings
From Dr. Mildred Johnson, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
致所有优秀的学生和2020届的毕业生们, please know that we love you so much. 这段时间对你来说可能很艰难,但让它成为难忘的,并明白你已经创造了历史. 现在可能不是特别清楚,因为新濠天地app正处于其中, 但请知道并理解,2020年3月以及接下来的几个月将被载入史册, 你们是美国历史上非常重要的一部分, of course, Geneva College. We will get through this together. 新濠天地app也许不知道未来会怎样,但新濠天地app知道谁掌握着未来. God is still in control!

即使你的教授通过各种形式的在线教学和交流与你互动, know that we care and we want the best for you. 新濠天地app致力于确保你得到以基督为中心的教育,使你成为神呼召你成为的基督徒领袖. 这是一个机会,让你们所有人走出去,做出真正的改变. You are a representative of Christ and Geneva College, and now more than ever your faith needs to be evident! 有时可能很难概念化正在发生的事情,但在祈祷中坚强地站起来,并知道新濠天地app与你站在一起.

We miss you so much! 新濠天地app肉体上虽分离,但精神上却与你同在.
What Passes and What Doesn't
By Dennis Damazo, Director of Security
在新濠天地app继续度过这些充满挑战的时期, 我经常想起我妻子多年来在新濠天地app的生活中出现问题时所说的一句话, especially with our three sons. She would always say, This too shall pass. 直到最近,当新濠天地app的世界和生活发生了如此剧烈的变化时,我才开始认真思考这个问题. 这些天来,作为校园里为数不多的人之一,我走在大厅和校园里时有足够的时间来反思. 我想到我的儿子诺亚是如何从四年前的一名大一新生成长为即将毕业的大四学生的. 我也想到新濠天地app的学生,尤其是高年级学生,他们也以类似的方式成长. We're good. This too shall pass. 诗篇46:1提醒新濠天地app,神是新濠天地app的避难所,是新濠天地app的力量,是新濠天地app在患难中随时的帮助. That’s what will not pass.
Student Development Resources

The Center for Calling and Career | 724-847-6572

The Center for Student Success | 724-847-5566

The Center for Student Engagement | 724-847-6644

Residence and Commuter Life | 724-847-6641

Counseling Services | 724-847-4081

Health Services | 724-847-6666

Dean’s Office | 724-847-6641

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