Geneva College - Parents FYI Newsletter - February 5, 2021

Parents FYI 将新濠天地app新濠天地app向新濠天地app学生家长提供的重要信息整合到一封电子邮件中. It will continue to be sent to you regularly. If you have feedback or questions regarding Parents FYI, please contact
Small-Group, Distributed Chapel Continues
礼拜堂继续在每周三举行的小组地点在校园,学生, faculty and staff gather together to focus on the Lord. 礼拜堂,包括一个共同的信息,每周在同一时间直播给所有的小组.

Messages for the upcoming weeks will be given by:
  • February 10 - Pastor Titus Martin
  • February 17 - Dr. Calvin L. Troup
  • February 24 – Dr. Will Baker
  • March 3 – No Classes/No Chapel
新濠天地app社区祈祷查普尔将成为所有人的祝福, 每周三可以在新濠天地app的Facebook页面上观看现场直播,也可以在新濠天地app的网站上点播.
Frequently Asked Questions
We're so glad our students are back on campus! 新濠天地app关心新濠天地app的社区,并制定协议,以保持学生,教师和工作人员的健康. 问题在所难免,新濠天地app尽最大努力为您解答. We've recently updated our FAQs for students. Feel free to have a look.

如果您有尚未回答的常见问题,请发送到 新濠天地app将尽最大努力在网站的常见问题解答部分找到答案.
Practice Daily Health Screening
每日健康检查是帮助卫生服务部门减轻社区病毒的重要工具, and we expect everyone to complete it daily, whether or not they are on campus. To encourage regular participation in Health Screening, 新濠天地app将对没有完成课程的学生每天收取5美元的费用.

Here's additional important information:
  • We’re all called to care for our community. 教职员工如果没有完成每日健康检查,也将受到处罚.
  • 学生将继续每天清晨收到GC提醒. 如果他们没有完成筛选,他们将在当天晚些时候收到一封电子邮件提醒.
  • 在开始收费之前,学生将有三次宽限期“不及格”.
  • 所有筹集的资金将用于改善学生的隔离和检疫体验.
  • 同时鼓励学生一周七天完成筛选, they will not be fined if they miss on Sunday. 但对每个人来说,在出现症状时完成健康筛查尤为重要, no matter the day.
Need 2 Know!


Adverse Weather Procedures

We are in the middle of a Western Pennsylvania winter, 土拨鼠这个星期也没有给新濠天地app带来早春的希望. 无论如何,新濠天地app已经为恶劣的天气做好了准备,这使得旅行变得困难,有时甚至危险. 新濠天地app努力做出明智的决定,平衡学生,教师和工作人员的安全.

Geneva Provost Dr. 梅琳达·斯蒂芬斯(Melinda Stephens)本周在一封电子邮件中澄清了在危险条件下通勤学生的出勤政策. 她写道,在恶劣的天气条件下,并不足以取消课程, 那些真心认为乘车去学校可能很危险的学生可能会选择不这样做. 教师可以要求学生通过远程访问参与课堂. 学生必须提前联系教师,通知他们无法旅行,并接受远程连接的指示.


Super Bowl Safety

Football can be a dangerous sport, 但安全观看超级碗是新濠天地app这个周末都可以做的事情. 疾病预防控制中心有一些简单的建议,可以在大流行的情况下享受超级碗.


Have You Completed the FAFSA?

In the midst of all the COVID challenges, protocol changes and return-to-campus plans, don’t forget about filing the FAFSA. 如果你还没有这样做,你可以下载应用程序,并在你的设备上进行操作. Go to and complete the FAFSA now!
Calendar of Events
FEB 5 Movie Harriet, Skye Lounge
FEB 6 Poetry Slam, JWC
FEB 8 RA Application Deadline
FEB 8 Trivia Night, Skye Lounge
FEB 10 Chapel, Multiple Locations
FEB 12 Film Fest Submissions Due
FEB 12 Police Reform Panel, JWC
FEB 13 Virtual Music Conference
FEB 15 Trivia Night, Skye Lounge
FEB 17 Chapel, Multiple Locations
FEB 19 Black Voices-BSU, JWC
FEB 20 Virtual Music Conference
FEB 24 Chapel, Multiple Locations
MAR 13 Virtual Music Conference
MAR 20 Virtual Music Conference

NOTICE: Dates are subject to change

LPC, CADC, CTMH, MA-新濠天地app学生健康和咨询服务主任

Is it over yet? When will things go “back to normal?” Have you asked yourself, others these questions lately? I know I sure have. 新濠天地app生活在一个长期痛苦的时代,看不到尽头. The pandemic, racial awakening, a polarized political climate, and the long, cold, lack of sunlight winter months that Western PA brings us, are all a lot to face. In the midst of this all, I have seen this wonderful community of students, faculty and staff thrive, push through, be resilient and rise. You are amazing!...
Things To Do
Online Bible Study Tools

新濠天地app都花了很多时间在网上——从给家人发短信,到在Facebook或Instagram上和朋友聊天,再到笑疯狗的滑稽动作,再到在YouTube上看魔术. 但是网络可以成为一个帮助你成长的工具,成为一个更好的人,加深你的信仰.

Let’s redeem our time in the study of God’s perfect word.

Check out these Bible study tools you can find online.

5 of the Best Free Bible Study Tools
For All Things Bible
eBibleTeacher Best Sites for Online Bible Study
Student Activities Around Campus

Film Fest 2021 will be on Feb. 20, 2021

今年看起来肯定会与往年有所不同, 但新濠天地app很高兴仍然能够展示新濠天地app社区的人才. Film Fest是学生们盛装出席其他学生电影首映式的夜晚. 新濠天地app欢笑,新濠天地app哭泣,新濠天地app颁发一些奖项,享受一个艺术之夜.

Athletics at Geneva

For the health and safety of student-athletes and coaches, 今年春天,外面的球迷将不被允许观看篮球比赛. 然而,新濠天地app批准了有限数量的学生参加在Metheny Fieldhouse举行的大多数比赛. (唯一的例外是男子排球,由于AMCC的限制,不允许观众入场.)

学生可以提前在新濠天地app的学生票信息页面注册. 然后携带电子确认书或打印副本进入比赛. 所有比赛都将强制执行保持社交距离和佩戴口罩的要求.

Some of the games will be livestreamed for family members, friends, alumni and students unable to attend in person.

Rec Night

Recreation is good for the soul. 学生们可以去田野之家度过一个减压之夜. The group will decide what they want to play. Basketball, Dodgeball, Kickball, who knows?

Thursday, February 4 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fieldhouse

Check Out Upper Room

如果学生希望在与耶稣的关系中成长,并在此过程中与他人建立联系, there's Upper Room, student-led worship. Upper Room will be each Thursday at 9:30pm in Skye lounge!

Thursday, February 4 at 9:30 p.m. in Skye Lounge

Yes, It’s Poetry Slam

Students can go to JWC for a night of poetry! They can either come and listen or perform!

Saturday, February 6 at 8:30 p.m. in John White Chapel

Just the Facts Ma'am



Monday, February 8 at 5:30 p.m. in Skye Lounge

Black History Month

Black History Month - Movie showing "Harriet" - Feb. 5 at 8 p.m.

改编自一位标志性的美国自由战士的励志生活, 《新濠天地app》讲述了哈里特·塔布曼从奴隶制中逃脱并成为美国最伟大英雄之一的非凡故事, 是谁的坚韧解放了数百名奴隶并改变了历史的进程.
Student Development Resources

The Center for Calling and Career | 724-847-6572

The Center for Student Success | 724-847-5566

The Center for Student Engagement | 724-847-6644

Residence and Commuter Life | 724-847-6641

Counseling Services | 724-847-4081

Health Services | 724-847-6666

Dean’s Office | 724-847-6641

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