新濠天地app新濠天地app-家长通讯- 2020年10月15日

Parents FYI 将新濠天地app新濠天地app向新濠天地app学生家长提供的重要信息整合到一封电子邮件中. It will continue to be sent to you regularly. If you have feedback or questions regarding Parents FYI, please contact information@85500171.com.
Need 2 Know!


Spring 2021 Schedule Announced

新濠天地app对2021年春季学期的学术日历进行了一些调整. Significant changes include:
  • 推迟春季学期开学一周
  • 将春假改为整个学期的假期
  • Compressed Easter Break
  • 毕业典礼为期三天(5月8日星期六至5月10日星期一)
本学期以庆祝马丁·路德·金开始. Day on Monday, January 18. 第二天,1月19日,星期二,上午8点开始上课.m.


Course Registration Opens Nov. 3


此外,新濠天地app将在2020年12月9日至2021年1月15日期间提供完全在线的冬季学期. 冬季学期的费用与夏季学期相同,为333美元/学分.





Final Course Withdrawal Date

11月2日是下午4:30前退课的最后一天.m. (WP, WF or WX grade). 对于新生来说,11月16日是退课的最后期限.


December Graduates

Due to our condensed schedule, 12月的毕业招待会将比平时提前一点, November 21. 虽然新濠天地app在11月为毕业生颁奖,但授予日期实际上是12月19日.

如果你的学生计划今年12月毕业,但上周没有收到教务长办公室关于12月毕业活动的电子邮件, he or she should contact the Registrar’s office.


Flu Shots

During this time of a global pandemic, 尽可能减轻流感爆发比以往任何时候都更重要. 出于这个原因,新濠天地app提供了比以往更多的校园流感诊所课程. 对学生来说,在校园里打流感疫苗再方便不过了. 鼓励你的学生在这个季节打流感疫苗. Check out the details!

Chapel at Geneva
Chapel is underway every Wednesdays at 10:10 a.m. in multiple small groups across campus. 通过Facebook直播新濠天地app新濠天地app体验的这一不可分割的部分使社区能够共同关注上帝和他的话语-只是它与过去有一点不同.

Calendar of Events
OCT 15 Rec Night, Reeves
OCT 15 UP (Movie), OM Tent
OCT 16 Fall for Fall, Gazebo
OCT 16 Worship Night, Reeves
OCT 19 Trivia Night, OM Tent
NOV 2 Last Course Withdraw Date
NOV 3 Course Registration Begins
NOV 16 Last Course Withdraw Date - Freshmen
NOV 21 December Graduation Reception
NOV 25 Last Day of Fall 2020 Classes
NOV 30 Begin Finals (Remote)
DEC 4 End Finals (Remote)

NOTICE: Dates are subject to change

Staying Social
Social Media Spotlight
Virtual Homecoming

由于新冠肺炎疫情的限制,新濠天地app上周举行了首次虚拟返乡活动. 新濠天地app的校友关系团队计划了数十个在线活动,将在校学生和校友联系在一起. 在校学生有机会参加一些有趣的活动,比如砸车和乘坐新濠天地app高空滑索.

许多人都能欣赏到新濠天地app合唱团的合唱... and you can, too.
Things to Do
Geneva Theater Online

新濠天地app新濠天地app戏剧项目将在2020年秋季推出两部广播剧作品, Vintage Hitchcock (Oct. 29-31) and It’s a Wonderful Life (Nov. 12-14), 由乔·兰德里改编,新濠天地app戏剧项目导演明迪·威廉姆斯执导. 由于COVID-19的限制,将不提供内部入场. 然而,这些节目将进行直播,并且可以免费观看.
Shining a Spotlight
Marching Band Senior Recognition
乐队总监Mark Godwin邀请你在下午6点加入行军乐队的Facebook直播.m. this Saturday, October 17. It will be senior band member recognition. 新濠天地app希望你能喜欢乐队,并帮助新濠天地app纪念新濠天地app的前辈.
Geneva College Pittsburgh Campus Zoom Event
种族、文化与神的国度:与李博士对话. Todd Allen
Wednesday, November 4 from 6:30 to 8 p.m.

加入新濠天地app匹兹堡校区城市圣经事工中心(CUBM)的朋友们,有一个特别的机会与詹姆斯博士就种族和种族和解进行对话. Todd Allen, 弥赛亚大学多元化事务副校长, as part of the Theology of Faith, Work, and Economics class at CUBM.
From Around Campus

It’s a Halloween Special Geneva Reading Series

如果是《新濠天地app》或《新濠天地app》或《永不再来,这可能是新濠天地app阅读系列的万圣节特辑的一部分. GRS的设计 是将个人带入散文世界的一个夜晚, 诗歌和创意写作——但万圣节特辑可能也有一点吓人!

The Geneva Reading Series: Halloween Special, open to all students, will be on Wednesday, October 21 at 7 p.m. Find out more by clicking below!

Geneva Student Marches for the Fallen

如果可以的话,大多数学生是不会在雨中行走的, but on September 13, 布兰登·西默斯为了一项特殊的事业在潮湿的天气里游行. 他在新濠天地app大道周围的街道上大步走来走去, toting a 35-pound backpack all the way, until he’d walked 28 miles. 然后他停了下来,因为他知道他已经完成了2020年的“堕落者三月”.


From the Geneva Grounds Crew

学生们在保持校园清洁方面做得很好,尤其是考虑到有这么多人在外面吃饭, taking classes and gathering under the tents. 这些观察和赞美的话语来自那些最关注校园场地的人——场地工作人员. 新濠天地app的学生们,谢谢你们的悉心照料!

Ready for Rec Night


Thursday, October 15, 7 p.m. on Reeve's Field

Watch UP (The Movie)


Thursday, October 15, 7 p.m. at the Old Main Tent

Fall for Fall

学生参与计划举办秋季活动来翻转! 学生们可以参加南瓜画,宠物动物园和秋季饮料的乐趣.

Friday, October 16, 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at the Gazebo Area

Trivia Night

Getting the brain in gear – with no pressure! – a time of laughter, guessing and facts.

Monday, October 19, 5:30 p.m., Old Main Tent
Student Development Resources

The Center for Calling and Career
calling@85500171.com | 724-847-6572

The Center for Student Success
ssc@85500171.com | 724-847-5566

The Center for Student Engagement
cse@85500171.com | 724-847-6644

Residence and Commuter Life
housing@85500171.com | 724-847-6641

Counseling Services
alsolman@85500171.com | 724-847-4081

Health Services
healthservices@85500171.com | 724-847-6666

Dean’s Office
bhinzman@85500171.com | 724-847-6641

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